The idol is also known for his accessories, with bags being one of them and lately, the cross bag seems to be his go-to style. Simple, elegant, stylish, and easy to carry, especially for busy idols like Jay B who might have scheduled packed with activities, this cross bag might just be the perfect accessory for his everyday style. Recently, he has been updating his social media with some pictures of him wearing cross bags. Working with brands like Celine or Burberry, or going on what looks like a fishing trip, a goofy picture, or a boyfriend material picture with a view of the sunset, he styles each bag in a way that accentuates his outfits and also makes them the focal point of his look.  Here are some of his pictures that show how much he loves the cross bags and looks good with them on. 

Check out this “what’s in my bag” video featured on the ARENA Korea YouTube channel.    Here’s Proof That JayB Can Pull Off Any Hairstyle KPOP STORIES|Sep 16, 2021 Songs From JAY B’s “SOMO: FUME” As Pictures of JAY B KPOP STORIES|Aug 27, 2021

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