The story introduces Shin HaRi (played by Kim SeJeong), who goes on behalf of her friend, Jin YoungSeo (played by Seor InA), on a blind date. The goal being to scare him off, but her blind date is no one else but Kang TaeMoo (played by Ahn HyoSeop), the CEO of her company. The story follows with a series of laughter and heart-fluttering moments. But in all, we felt like relating Shin HaRi to a whole new level. It is fair to say she is a mood! To allow us to prove it, continue reading!  Note: The article contains spoilers.  

1. Things Never Go In Her Favor

It is fair to say that fate played a cruel game with our HaRi. Who would have expected themselves to turn up for a blind date with your very own CEO? And on top of that, she seemed to run into him every now and then in the office. Even to add, she ends up having her slipper thrown at TaeMoo and is even responsible for The Chairman’s (Kang TaeMoo’s grandfather) fall. The poor girl is constantly running here and there for her dear life.  Oh and not to forget the ‘Rainbow Cafe’, she asks Kang TaeMoo to meet, apparently being a usual customer of turns out to be for children. Likewise, things at times do not go the way we wish, but truthfully, fate is not that cruel to HaRi for being fated with the handsome CEO. And so for you, there is surely something great hidden behind the stress!  

2. Always Low On Cash

In episode 1, HaRi and her family get into a fight with the neighboring shop. In the midst of the chaos HaRi ends up throwing the trash can so harshly that the shop owner falls and she is sued for it. Adding her monthly pay minus her savings, work loan and spending money. She found herself broke. Shin HaRi barely had any money left to pay an 800,000 Won fine. In order to help herself in the situation, she, yet again, is forced to help her friend and go on a blind date by her side. At that moment, we really see ourselves because, literally, we make the same face upon checking our balance.  

3. Hopeless Lover

In the drama, Shin HaRi is captured in a one-sided love for her friend MinWoo (played by Song WonSeok) for seven years. Even when he does not show any interest in her, she is unconditionally supporting and waiting for him. As YoungSeo says in the drama, “Goodness, you’re really head over heels for MinWoo.” And even though she is unintentionally hurt by him many times, she does not stop supporting him. Like when he gets back with his ex, HaRi is left crying. Yet still, she hops him on for one of her projects for creating kimchi ravioli.  

4. Will Do Anything For Friends

A friend in need is a friend indeed. The proverb Shin HaRi fully obeys. Either be it to act possessed or a spoiled bad girl, HaRi takes on any role to help her friend’s blind dates to run away. And even when YeongSeo tricks her into meeting TaeMoo again, HaRi does not create much of a bigger drama of it. But she forgives her. Similarly, even with MinWoo, she is an extremely supportive friend who does anything to help him. Like having him on one of her projects or even deciding on his restaurant’s menu.  Shin HaRi is indeed a friend we all need.  

5. Small Things Mean A Lot

Shin HaRi is really someone who values even small things. In episode 6, when Kang TaeMoo gave her an ointment for her bruised eye, she found herself blushing over it. Similarly, she was touched by his small gestures like helping her wear shoes or when he complimented her subtly, it is evident in her eyes, but she quickly tried to shake it off. Convincing herself otherwise.


6. A Drunken Mess

Episode 2 had us rolling over the floor with laughter when YeongSeo and HaRi turned up absolutely wasted. To the point that they were brought by the police to Shin HaRi’s house. What followed after was pure, chaos. YeongSeo wails over not meeting her ‘destined man.’ Whilst HaRi enters with even more drinks. It is only moments later before the two begin bawling, for HaRi apparently ‘rips’ YeongSeo’s mouth. Is there anyone who does not embarrass themselves when drunk? Sigh.


Viewers are absolutely in love with Shin HaRi’s character and every time her part arrives, we are clutching onto our stomachs with laughter. Do you watch “Business Proposal”? Share your favorite moments of Shin HaRi!  

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